Jacques-André Dupont: Internationally Acclaimed Wildlife Photographer
Jacques-André Dupont’s photographs, celebrated for their unparalleled quality, have garnered him numerous accolades and honors globally. This section is a testament to the prestigious awards and recognitions he has achieved, highlighting his profound influence in the sphere of wildlife and nature photography. It underscores his artistic prowess and steadfast commitment to conservation through the medium of photography.
Budapest Foto Awards - Silver medal and 4 honorable mentions
PX3 - Pris de la Photographie Paris - Silver medal and 5 honorable mentions
International Photography Awards - 4 honorable mentions
Tokyo International Foto Awards - deux médailles d'argent, une médaille de bronze, une mention honorable
Prix de la photo de Paris (PX3) - Mention honorable (Nature)
Tokyo International Foto Awards - Médaille d'or (Nature/Wildlife)
International Photography Awards - Mention honorable (Nature Wildlife)
Tokyo International Foto Awards - Médaille de Bronze (Nature) & Mention Honorable (wildlife)
International Photography Awards (IPA) - 4 mentions honorables - Nature, Wildlife
PX3 - Prix de la Photo de Paris - Une médaille de bronze, 2 mentions honoraire - Nature
Fine Arts Photography Awards - 5 Mentions honorables - Faune & Nature
The Greatest Maasai Mara Photographer of the year - 3 photo finalistes Mars
Moscow International Foto Awards - 4 mentions honorables
Concours Festival Photo de Montier 2020 - 3 photos présélectionnées par le comité technique
Gala des Prix Focus (Musées National de la Photographie) - Finaliste Focus animalier-nature
Budapest International Foto Awards - Mention honorable - Portofolio - Photo animalière
Fine Arts Photography Awards - 6 Mentions honorables - Photo animalière
Monochrome Awards - 4 mentions honorables - Photo animalière - 1 mention honorable - Portrait
Sienna International Photo Awards - 1 mention honorable - 5 photos sélectionnées
Festival international de la photo animalière et de nature de Montier - 4 photos pré-sélectionnées
Nature Photographer of the Year - 1 photo Finaliste
The Greatest Maasai Mara Photographer of the year - 1 photo finaliste Octobre
Bird Photographer of the Year Competition - Society of International Nature and Wildlife Photographers - Mention d'honneur
Monochrome Photography Awards - 14 mentions honorables - Photo animalière, 2 mentions honorables - beaux-arts et 1 mention honorable - abstract
Festival international de la photo animalière et de nature de Montier - Lauréat
International Photography Awards - 7 mentions honorables - Photo animalière
Moscow International Foto Awards - Médaille de bronze - 4 mentions honorables - Photo animalière
Fine Arts Photography Awards - 15 Mentions honorables - Photo animalière- 2 mentions honorables - Paysages
California Academy of Sciences - San Francisco - BigPicture: Natural World Photography Competition - Finaliste - Photo d'oiseaux
One Eyeland WORLD'S TOP 10 BLACK & WHITE PHOTOGRAPHERS - 2 médailles de bronzes - Photo animalière
Festival de l'oiseau et de la nature de Baie de Somme en France - 2 photos sélectionnées et exposées
Digital Photographer of the Year - 3 mentions honorables
Wildlife Photographer of the Year - 1 photo Présélectionné
Africa Geographic Photographer of the Years - 4 photos sélectionnées
International Photography Awards - 1 mention honorable - Photo animalière
International Photography Awards - Phillipines - 2 première place - 5 deuxième place - 2 troisième place - 11 mentions honorables - Photo animalière
Moscow International Foto Awards - 2 médailles d'or - 2 médailles d'argent - 2e place - 2 mentions honorables - Photo animalière
Tokyo International Foto Awards - Médaille d'argent - 13 mentions honorables - Photo animalière
International Photographer of the Year - 9 mentions honorables - Photo animalière
National Wildlife Federation - National Wildlife's photo contests - Finaliste
Outdoor Photographer of the Year UK - 9 photos finalistes
Royal Photography Society (RPS) UK - International Photography Exhibition - Sélectionné
Sienna International Photo Awards - 1 mention honorable - 5 photos sélectionnées
Bird Photographer of the Year (BPOTY) - finaliste
Canadian Wildlife Federation’s “Reflections of Nature 2016 Photo Contest” - Grand Prix
International Photography Awards - 2e place - Faune - 10 mentions honorables - Photo animalière
Tokyo International Foto Awards - Première Place - Médaille d'or - 9 mentions honorables - Photo animalière
www.wildlifephoto.com - Concours Photo annuel - Mention Honorable - Photo animalière
Prix de la Photographie Paris (Px3) - 8 mentions honorables - Photo animalière
Africa Geopraphic ¨hotographer of the Year - Top 15 Finalistes
Nature’s Best Photography Africa competition - Mention honorable -Photo animalière - Art
Outdoor Photographer of the Year UK - 1 photos finaliste
Les plus extraordinaires photos animalières de l'année 2015 - MSN
Canadian Geographic Wildlife Photography of the Year Competition - Gagnant - Photo d'oiseau
Outdoor Photographer of the Year UK - 1 photos finaliste
Yellowstone Forever - 4 photos - semifinalistes
Canadian Geographic Wildlife Photography of the Year Competition - finaliste - Photo d'oiseau