From June 6 to August 29, the Musée National de la Photographie de Drummondville is dedicating an exhibition to the internationally renowned Quebec wildlife photographer Jacques-André Dupont. Entitled Wild and Free, Animals Portraits from America and Africa, the exhibition will present some forty large-format works captured during his encounters with wildlife. From the northern gannet to the elusive leopard, you will discover the humanity behind the piercing gaze of wild animals immortalized by his camera.
As part of the exhibition, a numbered series of his works will be offered for sale to the public. All proceeds will be donated to the Fonds Muséal Scolaire pour les Écoles Défavorisées du Québec, which will receive 100% of the proceeds.
During this same period, renowned Quebec wildlife photographers Jean-Simon Bégin and Jérémie Leblond Fontaine will also be featured at the Museum.